1westfrk_0016.jpg In a land of dry desert, prickly pear cactus and mesquite trees, coming upon the lush green, thick shadows, and cooler temperatures of Oak Creek Canyon is purely a delight. The Canyon's namesake, Oak, is abundant but its size might disappoint. More shrub than tree size, the Gamble Oak illustrates Arizona's history and characteristics. Oak Creek Canyon was settled in the 1800s by farmers who recognized the Canyon's potential as a source for growing food stuff to be sold in the "nearby" growing communities of Jerome, Flagstaff, and Camp Verde. Crops grown on cleared land and harvesting the Canyon's trees is where those farmers found their wealth. Foundations for homes, gnarled fruit trees, and stone walls are found hidden among the Canyon's recovering riparian environment of pines, oaks, elders, ferns, and other green growing plants.
