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Dishes for campground and home – focus on quick, easy, healthy but not necessarily all at the same time.

Cooking with old friends for family

Two of life’s greatest comforts – Hugs and Good food. My husband walked into the kitchen while I was at the stove and asked, “ Wha’ch doing?” “Making tomato sauce,” was my response. “That’s a lot of work.  Why bother when that stuff from a jar is okay?” He’s right.  Making tomato sauce from scratch   Read More >>

Leftover Baked Ham Recipes

The definition of “Eternity” – a baked ham and two people.  I have learned there is a lot of truth in that definition.  The following are some recipes I’ve found and use for what’s left from our Christmas ham or, when on the road, chunks of baked deli ham.  Enjoy. Easy Stromboli Serves 6 1   Read More >>

Home Remedies for Campers

Here are some home remedies I have used when far from home, on the road, or deep in the woods. Aching Back – Fill a plastic zipper bag of crushed ice and apply to the sore area two or three time a day for no longer than 20 minutes. Alternate ice pack with a warm,   Read More >>

In my pantry is –

The RV is parked in front of the house and loading begun. Our annual conversion from stationary home-based residents to mobile full-time RVers has begun. Fred and I may debate over what clothes to bring but there is no debate when it comes to pantry. We have learned, while there are grocery stores everywhere, not   Read More >>

Can’t beat these – Biscuits

How can you have a campfire and not make S’mores? How can you have meat sauce smothered spaghetti without garlic bread? And how can you eat beef stew without biscuits? At least, that is how it is in my house, or motorhome. The S’mores and garlic bread are easy on a campfire but the biscuits   Read More >>

Nothing Fancy Spaghetti

Enjoyed a pleasant evening visiting with Jim Gorman, a contributing editor for Backpacker magazine, and John Molloy, author of 33 books on the outdoors, at Rucker Canyon Forest Camp in the Coronado National Forest. This is the yummy pasta dish Jim made for all of us. It was fun watching him create and making do   Read More >>

Menu Planning Guidelines

At home or camping. Recreational vehicle galley or your kitchen’s range. The backyard bar-b-que grill or open campfire. Planning a menu for yourself and family is always pretty much the same – right? Well, not completely. Over the years, first as a tent camper and in my motorhome, I have probably made every culinary mistake   Read More >>

Simple and Easy Mult-grain Bread

Never been a big fan of the soft and mushy white bread you can buy in a grocery store. Back in my “Holly Homemaker” days, we would mix slices of that stuff (without crusts) with Elmer’s white glue to make gooey dough and shape into things used in making jewelry. IMHO, that is about the   Read More >>

Let them eat snack cake

I like to bake but not a great fan of dish-washing. My mother didn’t like dishes, either. Here are a couple of my mom’s recipes that are easy to make, taste great, and present minimal clean up. Prefect for an after school snack or when you want a not-to-sugary snack. Both serve 9. Spice Snack   Read More >>

No Problem Biscuits

It had been a very long, cold and damp day.  Fred started setting up our rig in a downpour while I heated a pot of beef stew for dinner. The beefy aroma filled the trailer with images of drier times. “Hmmm, something smells goods,” Fred said as he entered the cheery warmth of our travel   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow